Klamath Basin Chapter, 
Native Plant Society of Oregon

2023 Native Plant Sale

  • May 20, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Klamath County Museum

 This event includes a variety of flowering plants and shrubs in 3.5” and 1-gallon pots. In 2022, we offered over 35 species and placed orders for over 800 plants.
**This year there will be no pre-orders. All Plants will be sold the day of the sale starting at 9 am - first come first serve. Line starts to form at 9 am. Any remaining plants will be sold at the Master Gardener's plant sale - May 26 and 27, 9-2
Species List (may change based on availability)
Red osier dogwood
desert sweet
golden currant
wax currant
purple sage
douglas spiraea

Rosy pussytoes
butterfly weed
Narrowleaf milkweed
Showy milkweed
Douglas' dustymaiden
scabland fleabane
cutleaf daisy
desert yellow daisy
Tall woolly buckwheat
Sulphur buckwheat
Arrowleaf buckwheat
Creamy buckwheat
Snow buckwheat
Oval-leaved buckwheat
Round-headed buckwheat
Blue Mtn buckwheat
Oregon sunshine
Prairie rocket, Western wallflower
California poppy
Blanket flower
prairie smoke
Golden hairy aster
Mountain hollyhock
Scarlet gilia
Blue flag iris
Sand lily
Blue flax
Coyote mint
wooly groundsel
bearlip penstemon
Davidson's penstemon
firecracker penstemon
Palmer's penstemon
small flowered penstemon
Roezl's penstemon
Showy penstemon
rocky mountain penstemon
Spreading phlox
Oregon checkermallow
western goldenrod
Orange globemallow
Douglas aster
Idaho fescue
Prairie junegrass
Indian ricegrass

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